Feb. 16, 2023

"Dr. Yve Ruiz: How to Reclaim Soul Purpose & Overcome Energy Vampires"

#7(2): Follow Dr. Yve Ruiz, a brave family practitioner and psychiatrist, on her journey of self-discovery as she courageously confronts the insidious power of narcissism and reclaims her power to heal.

You will learn:
1. How an energy vampire can manipulate and prey on others' energy
2. How to recognize and recover from a malignant narcissistic relationship
3. How to access inner strength and spiritual healing to manage and overcome narcissistic relationships.

Dr. Yve Ruiz is a former psychiatrist with a medical doctorate from UCLA, an intuitive empowerment mentor and energy healer, and a mentor to former sex slaves from Honduras. She has been interviewed on the topic of abuse and is the creator of the video series "Energetically Engaging with Narcissism" on her YouTube channel, Yve Spirit Speaks, MD.

Read the full article here: https://podcast.dawnacampbell.com/dr-yve-ruiz-how-to-reclaim-soul-purpose-overcome-energy-vampires

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The Healing Heart Podcast
"Dr. Yve Ruiz: How to Reclaim Soul Purpose & Overcome Energy Vampires"

Follow Dr. Yve Ruiz, a brave family practitioner and psychiatrist, on her journey of self-discovery as she courageously confronts the insidious power of narcissism and reclaims her power to heal.


You will learn:

1. How an energy vampire can manipulate and prey on others' energy

2. How to recognize and recover from a malignant narcissistic relationship

3. How to access inner strength and spiritual healing to manage and overcome narcissistic relationships.


Dr. Yve Ruiz is a former psychiatrist with a medical doctorate from UCLA, an intuitive empowerment mentor and energy healer, and a mentor to former sex slaves from Honduras. She has been interviewed on the topic of abuse and is the creator of the video series "Energetically Engaging with Narcissism" on her YouTube channel, Yve Spirit Speaks, MD.


To Connect with Dr. Yve


Yve Alexandra Ruiz, MD

Owner, Eve SpiritSpeaks MD

Intuitive Empowerment Mentor


Text/Call 949 424-4494


Instagram: @evespiritspeaks


To grab your bonus offer of the Infinite Prosperity System: https://coachwares.com/product/infinite-prosperity-system-3-steps-to-instant-money-creation/


For more information about The Healing Heart podcast, additional shows, or services offered, https://dawnacampbell.com


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BONUS Episode: https://www.podpage.com/the-healing-heart-podcast-1/healing-your-money-through-taxes-with-albert-corey-20-30x-your-income-stress-free/


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